LINX Camps Frequently Asked Questions

General Camp Info

Where is LINX Camps located?

Our campus at the Dana Hall School in Wellesley offers campers the very best amenities to complement their program choices! The Dana Hall address is 45 Dana Road, Wellesley. Learn more about our campus

Is LINX Camps a traditional camp?

LINX Camps proudly offers a traditional day camp experience for the entire family! We have many rituals and traditions that unite the entire community as one. We are often referred to as a day camp with an overnight camp feel. If you are looking for a traditional camp try our General or Junior Camps. Within these camps, your camper will get a taste of everything LINX Camps has to offer.

Is LINX Camps a good fit for all of my children regardless of age or interests?

LINX Camps offer a wide array of program options to meet the growing needs and interests of every member of your family. Each child can explore their personal interests under the direction of expert counselors, while enjoying a communal camp experience. Campers unite for opening and closing ceremonies, dine together and enjoy fun Friday Special Events that bring the entire family together. A family of four can easily have each child in a different program, while the campers come home with the same hysterical stories about what happened throughout the days and weeks.

Who are the LINX Camps counselors, and who hires and trains them?

The LINX Camps team is made up of dedicated professionals with a wide range of backgrounds. Our team includes educators, social workers, scientists, professional dancers, actors, and bakers to name a few! In addition, we have graduate and undergraduate college students, internationals, and high school students, many of whom have child-centric career goals. Our Leadership Team is composed of veteran leaders who return summer after summer. An exciting number of our team bring a love of camp gained from their own childhood camp experiences — including at LINX Camps!

Our summer staff is hired, trained, and supported by our year-round team who dedicate twelve months a year to ensuring a safe, enriching, and fun summer camp experience for campers.  Our year-round team also focuses on supporting our seasonal staff, whether working at LINX Camps is their first job or they are professionals in their year-round work.

Can you explain how your General Camps work?

Our General Camps give campers the ability to choose some of their daily activities! In a six-period day, the program directors have carefully selected four out of the six activity periods that make up Freedom or Liberty campers' mornings and early afternoons. Those four periods include lunch, and a variety of other activities throughout that week that include archery, rock climbing, crafts, sports, and more!

Campers meet with their counselors and select their two choice periods each day. Selections can be made as individuals or with clusters of friends. The offerings change from day-to-day to meet the needs of the groups.

What are your camp hours?

Our full day camps run from 9:00am - 4:00pm. Our half day camps run from 9:00am - 1:00pm. We also offer additional services to support the needs of families: Early Drop-Off, drop-off between 8:00-8:30am, and Extended Day / Extended Day with Swim Lesson, pick-up between 5:00-6:00pm. During these times the office is always staffed.

Is there continuity between programs and weeks?

LINX Camps was designed to maintain continuity even when a family does 4 different camps spanning eight weeks of the summer! Our staff is trained to maintain consistent standards of behavioral excellence regardless of the program. The routine of structure within the days and week is similar so campers feel at home and are comforted by knowing what to expect!

Will my camper's counselors change from week to week if they sign up for the same program for several weeks?

We review the number of weeks and types of programs each camper is registered for and match the campers up with other campers who have similar schedules. We then match them up with counselors to provide them with as much continuity as possible.

Will I ever hear about my child's day from their counselors?

Every week counselors send parents up to date information on their child's progress and activities at camp via MyLINX Scrapbook. This custom tool enables parents to view pictures and updates of THEIR child at camp. All information about your child is password-protected and only available to families whose children appear in each of the updates. It's a great conversation starter between parents and children. Ask your child to share more specifics about their camp experience with you.

What do I do if my child is going to be late to camp, or needs to be picked up early?

Please try your best to notify us as far in advance as possible of any late drop-offs or early pick-ups! We ask that you let us know no later than 10:00pm on the day before. We do our best not to disrupt our campers' scheduled day, and having ample notice will allow our staff to make sure your camper is where they need to be with little interruption.

To request a late drop-off or early pick-up, go to your personalized schedule. Then click the date you want to make a late drop-off or early pick-up and follow the directions you see.

How does drop-off and pick-up work?

Families traveling to LINX Camps by car follow a route through campus to drop-off and pick-up their camper(s) from their specific group area. This is an efficient process that allows campers to immediately begin their camp day, rather than waiting to gather their group and then walking to their activity area. Similarly, the activity at the end of their day doesn't get cut short!

Drop-off is 8:40 - 8:55am. Pick-up is 4:00 - 4:15pm (Jr. Fun Bunch pick-up is 1:00pm).

A pick-up card must be printed — in color — and placed on your passenger-side dashboard, to pick-up any camper.

Learn more

How do you assure my child only goes home with an authorized adult?

Pick-up cards serve as authorized IDs at LINX Camps. Only give your pick-up card to those you approve to pick up your camper, whether that is by car or at a bus stop. If you do not have your pick-up card, please have your driver's license so we can make sure you are an authorized pick-up. Our staff members are equipped with technology connected into our custom database so they can also easily access your account to see who is authorized to pick-up your camper!

How do you handle bullying behavior?

We proudly maintain a zero tolerance policy for any acts of meanness, cruelty, or bullying of any kind. LINX Camps works to build positive group dynamics that ensure all campers are in an emotionally safe place and that they are surrounded by caring and inclusive staff and campers. If bullying behavior is identified, the staff members act swiftly and remove the aggressor and work with parents to address the issue immediately. In the event a parent learns of a problem within a group, we strongly advise that you call the camp office immediately so it can be addressed. Our staff members work to build trusting relationships with each camper so the campers know they can count on the staff to be there for them as needed. We train our staff to know, "We will remove 10 campers from a group by our choosing, before we will lose a single camper by their choosing when it comes to negative behavior affecting the group or individual." All staff members know we are serious about positive character development!

What do the counselors do to make sure my child makes friends and has a good experience?

Each counselor is trained extensively to help campers feel right at home and make friends. From ice-breakers and getting-to-know-you games every Monday to buddying campers up throughout the week, the campers can't help but get to know and appreciate each other for their differences and similarities.

How do I reach the camp office or my child's counselor?

You can reach the camp office by calling 781-235-3210, using the chat box on our website, or emailing If you have a question for your child's counselor or need to give them information, please don't hesitate to call the camp office.

What is your sunscreen policy?

All campers come to camp fully sunscreened.

All campers are required to bring sunscreen, labeled with their name, to camp with them for reapplication at approximately 10:30am, 12:30pm, and 2:30pm daily:

  • Campers under the age of 10 are encouraged to bring bottled sunscreen.
  • Campers 11 and older may use spray sunscreen.
Do you require campers to be potty trained?

All campers must be able to independently use the bathroom while at camp. This includes:

  • The ability to communicate to their counselors that they need to go to the bathroom before they are about to have an accident
  • Postpone going if they must wait for another camper who is using the bathroom
  • Pull up/down their clothes without assistance
  • Get on/off the toilet by themself
  • Wipe and clean themselves after using the toilet
  • Wash and dry their own hands

Campers are to be dressed for camp in clothing that they can easily change in/out of independently.

Campers are not permitted to wear diapers or pull-ups at camp, even as a preventative measure. Additionally, campers who rely on swim diapers are not permitted to use them in the pool.

We realize that accidents may occur. For this reason, we recommend that all campers bring to camp a full change of clothes, including underwear and socks, in a Ziploc bag that is labeled with their name. Parents will be notified by telephone by a LINX Camps staff member if an accident does occur.

LINX Camps reserves the right to cancel the registration of any participant who has repeated bathroom accidents at camp. After three accidents within a one-week period, a child will be asked to take a break from camp for the remainder of the week. Upon returning to camp, and if appropriate, the child may be reduced to a half-day schedule. After three more accidents, the child will need to take a break for the rest of the summer and we will then apply 100% of their unused tuition paid as a LINX Camps credit on the family account in the hopes that they will be ready next year. This credit will never expire and can be used by any child in the family for future camps. These policies are in place to ensure a safe and sanitary environment for all.

What if my child decides they do not like the camp they selected?

We want to make sure every camper feels comfortable and confident at LINX Camps. We are ready to honor switches, based on availability, that are submitted through your family dashboard by Wednesday at 5:00pm the week before your child's next camp week starts.

Please never hesitate to contact us with any issues or concerns. We have found that most issues can easily be fixed and resolved in the moment! Call the office at 781-235-3210.

How will I know if I get off a waitlist?

If a spot becomes available for your family from the waitlist, you will receive an email and a text message from us. You will then have 24 hours to either claim the spot from your Family Dashboard under Manage Waitlists —OR— contact us to request more time to make a decision. If you miss a waitlist opportunity, but are still interested in that camp, simply reach out and we will be happy to renew your family's place on the waitlist.

What is the LINX Camps policy for electronic devices (cell phones, smart watches, etc.)?

For camper safety, privacy, and overall well-being, we ask that our camp families support our no electronic devices at camp policy. The goal of this is to provide a healthy and safe camp environment.

Campers are not permitted to bring electronic devices to camp, such as cell phones, smart watches, kindles, game players, etc.

If a camper needs an electronic device for after camp communication or activities, they will put their device in a Yonder packet and store it in their bag. At dismissal, their Yonder packet will be unlocked and the device made available to them again.

The consequences for a camper having an electronic device at camp — which they did not acknowledge and put in a Yonder packet — are as follows. First incident, the camper will be brought to the camp office to be picked up early. Subsequent incidents, the camper will be brought to the camp office to be picked up early and will not be permitted back at camp the following day.

Campers who need electronic equipment for medical reasons directed by their doctor (i.e. campers with diabetes) are permitted to have that electronic equipment at camp solely for that purpose. Campers who use their electronic equipment for any purpose other than what is medically necessary will be subject to the same consequences as described above for electronic devices.

How do I get back something my camper left or lost at camp?

We encourage campers to only bring to camp those items needed for a comfortable and successful camp day!

We have an excellent track record of reuniting labeled items with their owners. However, items without names can be extremely difficult to return to their owners. There are many yellow goggles, blue towels, green hoodies, etc. Please label everything — including the jacket, sweatshirt, hoodie, or raincoat your child wears to camp in the morning!

Our team is always looking for lost items during our afternoon campus clean-up.

When we find a lost item with a name on it, we get it to the camper’s counselor to reunite it with the camper.

When camp is in session:
Items without a name are placed in the Lost & Found pod located adjacent to the Junior Camps drop-off and pick-up area for families to search at their convenience. Items are kept in the pod for two weeks and then donated (if possible). Parking places are reserved near the pod so families can easily park to make their search. The pod is unlocked during the camp day. After hours, families can open the pod using the code 4202.

After camp ends:
The items found during our last two weeks of camp are at our off-season office at One Hollis Street, Wellesley (Suite 423), for families to search until the first Thursday in September. Our off-season office is open Mondays-Thursday from 9:00am - 4:00pm, except for Labor Day when the office is closed to observe the holiday.

Performing Arts Camps

Where do Performing Arts Camps take place?

Whenever possible, Performing Arts Camps activity periods are held outside. Campers benefit from the fresh air and summer day, while having plenty of space to move freely and experiment. For example, working in the outdoors allows Dance Battles campers to easily try choreography variations. For Broadway Theater and Theater campers, being outside is also a fantastic opportunity to practice vocal projection!

Where do the Broadway Theater and Theater Camps performances take place?

All Broadway Theater and Theater Camps performances take place in an air-conditioned dance studio on the top floor of the Shipley Center. Parking is available next to Shipley Center in our Bus Circle, located near the intersection of Grove Street and Cottage Street. There is elevator access to the top floor.

Health & Wellness

Do you have a registered nurse on campus?

We have registered nurses who are trained to deal with a wide array of medical needs. They can handle anything from small scrapes and bumps, all the way to administering and monitoring diabetes.

What is your attendance policy regarding campers who show signs of illness?
  • Campers with a fever of 100.0 degrees or higher, or symptoms of being ill such as, but not limited to, cough, sore throat, nausea, dizziness, aches, or chills, must stay home.

  • Campers who exhibit a fever or signs of illness while at camp and as a result, either go home early or stay home entirely, may not attend LINX Camps the next day.

  • Campers may only return to LINX Camps after they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the aid of acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) and/or have completed any required quarantine period.

LINX Camps does not issue credits or refunds for sick days.


What do I do if my child is going to be absent?

If your child will be absent, please give as much advance notice as possible! To report an absence from camp, please go to your personalized schedule. Then click the date your camper will be absent and follow the directions you see.


Are you nut-free and what do you do if a child brings in nuts?

LINX Camps is peanut and tree nut-free, to create a safe environment for all campers and staff. No one is allowed to share food and absolutely no peanut and tree nuts are allowed in camp (that includes foods that may have been processed in a factory that contains peanut and tree nuts). Our staff is very vigilant and we confiscate all peanut and tree nut products should they arrive to camp and notify parents immediately. Learn more

My child requires an EpiPen for allergies. How will it be handled?

Campers who come to camp by car hand their EpiPen to a camp nurse at drop-off on Monday. Their EpiPen is housed at the health center closest to the camper's division and is returned to them at the end of their camp day on Friday.

Campers who come to camp by bus hand their EpiPen to their Bus Captain each morning and receive it back from their Bus Captain each afternoon. During the camp day, the EpiPen is housed at the health center closest to the camper's division.

What happens if my camper forgets their EpiPen?

Campers who require EpiPens are required to have one at camp in order to be able to participate.

In the very rare case that a bus-riding camper arrives at camp without their EpiPen, the camper must sit in the office until one is brought to camp to ensure their safety is maintained.


Which age group is my child?

At LINX Camps we organize our summer groups by age or grade the child is going into in the fall. At the end of the school year, or June 21st, we consider they have moved to the next grade. We recommend if you are setting up a new account prior to June 21st you put the grade your child(ren) is in currently and our system will update it following June 21st.

My kids are 3 years apart in age. Will they see each other at camp?

Family campers may see each other throughout the camp day. If they are in the same division, their lunch periods may overlap and they will attend closing ceremonies together, but for the most part, they follow their own schedule and group leaders. The stories, camp traditions and rituals will be shared by all campers.

My Camp Groups on the Family Dashboard

Our team dedicates significant effort during the off-season to ensure that all mutual Friend Requests are honored.  In the first week of June, parents will notice a new feature on their Family Dashboard, titled “My Camp Groups”. This feature allows parents to conveniently view a comprehensive list of camper names along with their respective parent email addresses for each of their child's camp groups. It's important to note that these lists only include the names of families who have agreed to share their contact information.

My older child does not want to go to the same camp as their younger sibling!

The programs and physical layout allow each child to explore their own interests and passions, to make their own set of friends and have a unique camp experience while still sharing in the same camp rituals and traditions. You will love gathering around the dinner table and hearing them have common stories about camp, while they also have found their own niche and circle of friends. It truly is a perfect camp experience they can enjoy as individuals and as a family!


Can I add the lunch plan mid-week if my child decides they want it?

In order for your camper to enjoy Lunch Box, you must sign-up in advance and for an entire week.

Bus Service

Can I sign up for busing by day?

Our bus service is only offered on a weekly basis.

What time should I arrive at the bus stop?

Please plan to arrive to your bus stop 10 minutes early each day, both in the morning to drop-off your child(ren) and in the afternoon to pick-up your child(ren). Your promptness ensures efficiency and timeliness for all of our camp families.

Do buses run on time?

Drop-off and pick-up times are target times and subject to change based on traffic conditions. You can not leave your child or children at the bus stop unattended. Buses will not leave prior to their scheduled time unless all campers have gotten on or off the bus at the designated stop. Buses will not wait past their scheduled times, so please be prompt

What should I do if I am running late to pick-up my camper(s) from bus stop?

In the event you will be late to your stop to meet your child for pick-up, please call the LINX Camps Office ASAP at 781-235-3210. If you are not prompt for pick-up, typically the bus will proceed to the next stop on route. If you are close behind, you may be advised to meet your child at the next stop.

What if I need to pick-up at camp instead of having my child(ren) take the bus home as scheduled?

If you need to pick-up your child at camp, and you are not going to have them ride the bus as scheduled, we ask that you let us know no later than 10:00pm on the day before. Schedule an early pick-up. Please remember to bring your pick-up card.

Do I need a pick-up card at the bus stop?

Bring your pick-up card each day — it is required! Your pick-up card serves as your identification, and you should have it present both when dropping your child(ren) off for the bus and when picking your child(ren) up from the bus. Even though you might get to know your child(ren)'s Bus Captain over time, we ask that you present your pick-up card each day. To print your pick-up card, visit the LINX Camps Family Dashboard. Please note that if you do not have your pick-up card, you can use your driver's license.

Who is supervising the campers on the bus?

We hire and train counselors to serve as Bus Captains and Bus Monitors. Bus Captains greet families at each stop and work hard to make your child(ren)'s bus ride an extension of the camp day by incorporating games and spirit challenges along the way! At the end of the day, Bus Captains ensure that each child is safely delivered to their designated stop and that campers are picked up only by authorized individuals. Each bus also has at least one Bus Monitor, who helps supervise camper behavior.

How does LINX Camps handle behavioral issues on the bus?

Riding the camp bus is a privilege. Our Camp Director has the sole discretion to ban a camper from riding our bus if it is determined that the camper has behaved in a way that puts the bus, the bus staff, or the other campers at risk.

How long are the bus rides?

Typically, bus rides are between 15 - 60 minutes depending on the bus stop location. Check pick-up and drop-off times on your specific schedule for estimated times.

Rates & Promotions

What are your rates/prices for camp? How much does each week cost? What is the pricing for extras like lunch?

We offer multi-week and ACH (pay by bank) discounts.  You can see all of our rate information on our pricing page which includes a camp calculator to determine your cost.

Will I get a partial refund if my child's school is in session during part of their camp week?

By April, every school has set their last day of school for the current school year. We will reach out, by the end of April, to all families who are registered for the first week of camp. Any family who has a school and camp overlap will then have the choice of canceling the week in conflict (credit or refund) —OR— keeping the full week registration even if their camper(s) will only attend a partial number of days (no partial credit or refund).

Do I get a refund if I cancel?
How do I cancel a camp registration?

We understand that summer plans may change. Should you need to cancel a week(s) of camp, please complete a cancellation form, which is also found on your Family Dashboard.

All cancellations will be processed according to our cancellation policy.

Donations & Scholarships

Do you offer scholarships?

The LINX Companies has extended discounted or free summer camp experiences to families throughout the greater Boston areas, who were in need of financial assistance, since LINX Camps was launched in 2009. The company has always strived to maximize the reach of its donations and to maintain an inclusive view of which children would gain the most positive impact from a summer camp experience. Learn more

Will you make a donation to my organization's event or fundraiser?

We are proud to support many local organizations. Please give at least six weeks lead time for donation requests, as we are not always able to accommodate last minute requests. Learn more